Monday, January 30, 2012

Jan. 30th, 2012

Well I'm feeling pretty good this whole day(knocking on wood). Altho late to work, because Ke... woke up late and I had to pick her up, traffic was pretty good and we got to work with 5 min to spare and just relax.

Kaneohe(our musician) got a new truck, and it was kind of hectic talking with him about what we were doing because he wanted me to go with him instead of Ke... to check and see if his truck would fit in the Trade Center parking lot. lol we figured it out in like a full minute of talking and him walking back to the van like 3x changing his mind and asking more questions. Ke... went the She-she instead of I and it turned out well. Hale Koa was pretty cold Lan(the hostess) was awesome and had our muffins ready to eat when we left. Summarized, Kane's truck fit(w/an inch to spare from the roof of the parking structure), I had an amazing 7-11 breakfast bento of adobo and fried rice, and a had good day in Waikiki doing hours and performing at the Marriott hotel. While at the Marriott Colt Brennan, UH qb alum, took a pic of us with some tourists. He's a way cool guy, my co-workers had no idea who he was so I told them, and Ke... ran after to take a picture with him(before I told her who he was she tht he was a perv-she's killing me haha).

Drove home, changed, went back to PCC, finished hours and the bonuses, stopped by my brother's to find no one home, saw Just running to lift at his cousin's house and tht, "Freck... I'm supposed to match(look like) him", for our Philadelphia trip coming up at the end of Feb. Eeeeeeeeh! Tonight I'll run and do vball after the ward Home Evening(if I don't get called in).

Read part of the SS lesson for Sunday and must be in the right spirit 'cause I got so much out of it. The lesson's on 1 Nephi 16-18 and studying Nephi's obedience, faith, and courage. God is good and does a lot of miracles in their lives. I hope I'll be able to point out the miracles in my life(like my swollen lymph node going away! =) lol.

Okay... gtg and watch an Oct. 2011 Gen Conf talk. PEACE!

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