Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Happy New Year! 2012 and now I'm 28! =/

Well I'm supposed to be starting a new blog of some sort but I'll stick w/this one until I can figure out what to do. I was just watching L. Tom Perry's Oct. 2011 General Conference talk, Perfect Love Casteth Out Fear, and it was a great inspiration on sharing the gospel and making it a habit to do always. That is something I've been trying to work on as I have like 8 pass-a-long cards in my man purse that I carry with me EVERYWHERE.

This might seem like a tangent but as I was watching the talk I couldn't help but think about... crap I forgot what I was going to write... oh yeah it was about the 3 degrees of glory and how in the Gospel Prinicples manual last year it said that those who accept the gospel in the next life don't make it past the Terrestrial kingdom... but then it made me think then why do we do ordinances for them, like sealing, which is somthehing we do to obtain the HIGHEST degree in the Celestial Kingdom?

Anyways I don't wanna spend too much time on here otherwise I'll won't come back on for a while.

So I turned 28 yesterday, on MLK Jr holiday(again), and spent the morning and early afternoon w/most of the fam(except Gma and Dad) at Kualoa ranch on ATVs, eating a delicious Chinaman's Hat burger, petting animals, watching a 10" clip about the ranch, and going on a Jungle Expedition in a jeepney. IT WAS BOMB! Especially on the ATV rides w/my brothers and mom. Mom and Evan were in the front 'cause they were the slowest in the trial run(LoL!). Evan was sooooo slow and cautious, but Darrell and Sterling were reckless. First Darrell flipped over on his ATV and got stuck under it, LoL, so he wasn't allowed to ride anymore(had to ride on the back of the guides ATV then got picked up by the Jeep "of shame". Then Sterling that dummy almost ran into me and so overtook my trying to play it off like nothing was wrong... and of course at the end of the ride when we've gotten off he says and laughs, "Oh shoot! I didn't know had 2 breaks!" eeeeeeeh! I am not surprised.

Sina had fun w/the pig, baby goats, rabbits, and calf and donkey at the petting zoo.

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