Monday, January 23, 2012

Book of Mormon

So I think I want to blog about my Book of Mormon(BofM) study for Sunday School(SS)! Today will be short 'cause... yeah LoL. We did the 3rd lesson yesterday so I'll just type my thoughts and notes I've made.

Intro: I really like this because it flat out says, "You share with your Gospel Doctrine teacher the responsibility to help the class be successful." So don't come to church expecting to be served spiritual experiences on a silver platter(unless you're in/less active and coming back to church). Part of the whole spiritual experience comes from at-home preparation(I think).

One think from the entry I think I need to work on is asking questions, and bear testimony.

Lesson 2: My favorite scripture so far for the year, "And it came to pass that I said unto them that I knew that I had spoken ahard things against the wicked, according to the truth; and the righteous have I justified, and testified that they should be lifted up at the last day; wherefore, the bguilty taketh thectruth to be hard, for it dcutteth them to the very centerThis applies to everyone for sure.

Lesson 3: The Vision of the Tree of Life was a great lesson where I learned and emphasized even more on how we need to be proactive on things and not wait to be told. Laman and Lemuel are a bad example  in 1st Nephi 15 where they say they don't know the interpretations of the symbols from the vision because no one has told them what it means. Nephi was a great example because he sought out, through prayer, what they mean. He didn't sit around and wait to be told what they mean.

I thought about how Laman and Lemuel are a lot like members in the Church who just go through the motions, do what their parents say, and then when they venture off on their own they fall away and apostate from the Church because they never figured out things on their own.

And even in Sunday School I see kids who come, sit, are quiet, don't participate, and probably don't study for the lesson, then think class is so boring, they don't learn anything, and then end up on the in/less active list for the ward and it takes a while before they realize how they can get active again.

Well that's it. Sorry for the bad grammar... I gtg to work.

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