Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Odaiba, Japan =)

So I got back Sunday, May 8th 2011, from an 11 day work trip to Odaiba Japan with the Promo team and it was a success!

Trying to summarize it, I felt like we changed lives through our fireside, our Maori Tribute to those who lost their lives in March's earthquake and tsunami, and just through our singing, dancing, smiling, and Aloha-ing (and of course our shakas). My favorite part were the 2 nonmembers at our fireside who committed to baptism after our musical fireside. From our shows it was cool to see/hear the Japanese telling us that they could feel some thing different about us and the way we present ourselves. One lady even mentioned that there was a power about us she couldn't explain. I know that was the Holy Ghost and we, dancers, were dying to want to explain the gospel in Japanese or tell them go to or something. LoL We were talking about how we wish we had pass-a-long cards about The Church-especially since they took out the missionaries from all of Tokyo.

It was nice to see the team (6 female/male dancers, 2 musicians, and 2 bosses) working hard and getting along. We had quite a few number of young people so there was the tendency for many irritating situations but I tried to remind myself what I was like when I was 18-20 yrs old(and not on a mission). There were a few bikes found/taken, very loud talking and obvious situations that we were Americans, but it was a learning experience for all. Pictionary was fun and all the other games we played during our breaks. LoL

The airports were empty upon arrival and exit, our venue for performing apparently had less people than previous years, and it seemed like you could see some of the effects still from the disaster that occurred.

Now??? I'm trying to adjust back to HI time and it's so hard! I just have to be patient though.

Also... I'm trying to look for a job other than dancing and it's pretty frustrating. eeeeeeh

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Utah trip

I have to admit that life gives you either the best, or worst, of friends and I'm happy and blessed to say that I have some of the best.

I got back from my 2 week vacation to Utah towards the end of March and beginning of July, and had the time of my life with friends, family, food, and even a Hindu temple. LoL I basically lived the life that any full-time worker could want with having a NICE vacation.

The highlight would have to be General Conference(GC). It's where leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints give talks/sermons on life and the basic principles of church doctrine. They occur in 2 hour segments, 5 of them, on the first weekend where April's first Sunday falls(so this past GC fell on April  2nd and 3rd). I stayed awake for all 5 sessions! First time ever! It did help that I was in Utah so there was no time difference for me to wake up earlier than usual.

My very last night in Utah was a wonderful reunion between me and some childhood friends. There were 5 of us: 2 at Weber State, one doing a Master's. 1 working for Goldman Sachs, and another doing her Master's at Gonzaga University. It was truly a neat experience to watch us get together and revert back to as if we were still in high school or something. We've all taken different paths in life, have learned a lot, but still keep in touch with each other and enjoy each other's company. I haven't even seen one of my friends in over 2 years but we were both in Utah for a good while. Hopefully my picture will upload of our dinner at India's Bombay House in SLC.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Back from LA... pua'i(barf)

So I just got back from LA this afternoon and I'm not feeling all that well-but much better the longer I've been home(I think it was the Cheescake Fact in Beverly Hills-boooh).

Well here's a basic description of the trip that I'll elaborate on later I hope.

Tues: at the airport there was an irritz lady who was a nuisance to the musicians. LoL First she sits in Musician A's(MA) seat while he's gone and knocks over his drink-which thankfully was pretty much empty. I picked it up 'cause she didn't notice what she did.

Then 2x she knocks over her carryon onto MA, first time he fixes without her noticing, and then later her butt's in the musicians faces as she bends over to fix something in her suitcase. LoL she was an older lady, maybe in her 60's trying to look as young as possible. The musicians' faces were hilarious! One grabs the other to show him what's going on and this all happens in about 5 mins(the butt incident).

Also, on the plane the other guy dancer knocks his monitor, on the seat in front of him, like 5 x out of frustration and the person sitting in the seat turns around to look at what's going on. LoL oops

The flight is soooooooo long 'cause Hawaiian Air doesn't play movies anymore. I ALMOST went crazy. I had no reading material and neither writing material-but I read my BofM on my Itouch for about 15 mins or so. 

Tongan Hawaiian girl spilled her drink on her in the beginning of the flight and it was sooooo funny! LoL

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

adding to my body

Well my body still doesn't look like the temple I want but I had a great time doing Insanity this morning at 4:45 am. Yeah... I know it's a bit early but me and my friends are getting used to it and it helps when friends are doing it together.

A chapel in Kahuku does it T, Th, and Sat mornings and surprisingly we've been making once a week so far. LoL I think we'll get better with our attendance. My stomach is growling yet I don't feel hungry and I know I shouldn't be because I'm releasing gas meaning there is food my body is still working with from yesterday. So... maybe I'll look for fruits.

Alright well I'm excited for my trip to LA, which is really short, but not sure what I'll be doing for exercise since my little brother uses my shoes for his vball practices. Maybe swimming at the hotel instead? Anyways, I gtg google what cool places are around the hotel we'll be staying at-and finishing downloading music on to my itouch. Peace!

Monday, February 21, 2011

If my body's a temple, then shouldn't it look like one? LoL

So I'll keep this short-I'm trying to get in shape for a trip I'll be going on for work to LA. LoL It's mostly my stomach I've been trying to get rid of and what do you know? Cutting out carbs and eating mostly fruits, veggies, and meat can help do just that. 

Since August of 2010 I've been SLOWLY changing the way I eat. I drink 2-3 liters of water a day, MAYBE juice/soda once a week, and have managed to eat AT LEAST HALF of what I did before-especially since I'm older and the metabolism is coming to a halt. I've also been doing Insanity at least once a week, jogged a couple times last week on the beach, and been VERY conscious of what I eat.

The bottom line is, and I've thought this a few months back, we're taught in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints(aka the Mormon church) that our bodies are temples-so no drugs, no alcohol, no promiscuous behavior, etc. But what about OBESITY and the kinds of food we put in our bodies? Or lack of exercise? Or lack of sleep? Too many people in my Polynesian community just let themselves go and now the in-thing for the older adults is to get gastric bypass(and my friends call them cheaters haha).

If our bodies are temples, let's not over do it with the food people. Yeah yeah some might say it's our culture, but the gospel culture trumps any other. Make a change starting today. It's not easy-it took me 6 months to get where I am today and I expect it will be an ongoing issue for me the rest of my life. I want to be able to play with my kids and grandkids. I don't want to be hot all the time, confined to a wheel chair, and/or sweating from walking up a flight of stairs.

1 Corinthians 3:16-17 
16 Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and the the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?
17 If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are.

I know verse 17 sounds harsh... but I like to think of it as how sacred, special, and important our bodies are.