Sunday, April 24, 2011

Utah trip

I have to admit that life gives you either the best, or worst, of friends and I'm happy and blessed to say that I have some of the best.

I got back from my 2 week vacation to Utah towards the end of March and beginning of July, and had the time of my life with friends, family, food, and even a Hindu temple. LoL I basically lived the life that any full-time worker could want with having a NICE vacation.

The highlight would have to be General Conference(GC). It's where leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints give talks/sermons on life and the basic principles of church doctrine. They occur in 2 hour segments, 5 of them, on the first weekend where April's first Sunday falls(so this past GC fell on April  2nd and 3rd). I stayed awake for all 5 sessions! First time ever! It did help that I was in Utah so there was no time difference for me to wake up earlier than usual.

My very last night in Utah was a wonderful reunion between me and some childhood friends. There were 5 of us: 2 at Weber State, one doing a Master's. 1 working for Goldman Sachs, and another doing her Master's at Gonzaga University. It was truly a neat experience to watch us get together and revert back to as if we were still in high school or something. We've all taken different paths in life, have learned a lot, but still keep in touch with each other and enjoy each other's company. I haven't even seen one of my friends in over 2 years but we were both in Utah for a good while. Hopefully my picture will upload of our dinner at India's Bombay House in SLC.

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