Wednesday, February 1, 2012

99.5 The Coral, family radio show

Happy February!

Well I had a neat drive home yesterday from the airport after driving the New Orleans' team there. When dropping them off I was in the west bound traffic for like 15 mins, =( , with no AC, and then traffic in Kaneohe. So I turned down the Jack in the Box street to get on Kam Hway(I think that's it) and drive the back road past King Intermediate. As I drive past the school I scan through the radio stations and come across 99.5 The Coral. A male and female are talking about how good Christians should have kids and raise them in the scriptures and to be God-loving people-that's what the world's issues need. Good people to combat these issues. I thought it was interesting so listened to it all the way to Hauula when it ended.

The show talked about raising your kids and it had a lot good points that I will not do justice towards and the points will be out of order than what they were discussed in.

You should only care what God thinks and not what people think when it comes to people judging your parenting. They brought up a good example of the female dj, who is an author on parenting, and how at SS her 8 or 9 year threw a tantrum like he was 4 years old. She said feels bad now 'cause she was more concerned about what people were probably thinking about her rather than focussing on the needs of her son then and there.

Also they brought up the point, from the Bible, of Samuel's kids going astray and how some people think that he wasn't a good parent-a great church leader but a poor father(which is wrong). They said it's unfair that a lot of people  believe Samuel to not have been a good parent just because his kids all went astray. But... they did bring up the point of Samuel's predecessor and him getting scolded by the Lord because he didn't do anything to rebuke his sons when they were acting out in rebellion.

I really liked how the dj's brought up the point that each child in a family is different. One will have no problems being obedient while another one will be the opposite. One will excel in school while another one will struggle constantly. They also brought up the point that teens don't necessarily mean to rebel; rather they're exercising their agency and ability to think for themselves and parents/adults should learn they don't necessarily mean to rebel but are reasoning for themselves.

It was cool to hear that parents won't be on the same page like the male dj and his wife disagreed on a movie he wanted to take his son to see. The son was 12, the movie was PG-13, and the wife was against it. But... he did his research and read it was PG-13 because of the dinosaur violence and so his wife was okay with it(of course with a few more questions). I tht it was so neat to see people doing research on films to decide how appropriate it may be.

The show was really good and I'm gonna google it now. LoL

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