Sunday, February 19, 2012


So it's been so long because I left to Vegas with my mom for vacation-specifically for the Rugby 7's tournament and it was fun. There were a lot of things that bothered me on the trip because I'm not used to being around second hand smoke, open containers of alcohol, open prostitution, and f bombs going off left and right. LoL. Man you can really tell I live in a bubble because this is exactly how it was when I was on my mission but eventually got used to all the BABYLON things and I learned to just block them out. I have never looked so forward to Sunday and church(which was, no lie, my favorite day out of the 5 we spent there).

We got in Wed, Feb. 8th, and left Monday, the 13th. The night we got in we toured Freemont Street 'cause it was really close to our hotel-California. Majority locals from Hawaii occupied the hotel and its slot machines. haha. The strip, and the bus rides, were cool during the day but once it hit the late nights it was irritz with all the drunk people. eeh...

Shows we saw and loved were The O Cirque du Soleil(Bellagio), La Rev(Wynn), and Phantom of the Opera(Venetian: MY FAVORITE-the sets were amaaaaaazing). I gave a pass-along card to our one cab driver. He was very friendly and accepting of the card.

Sunday, again, was amazing. I never felt so spiritually devastated and couldn't wait to feel the safe haven  effects of sacrament, Sunday School, and Elders Quorum(sounds so cheesy as I typed that lol). I met my dad's cousin, mom's friend/aunty lori's classmate, and he was so nice. He reminded me of the evil guy on Spy Kids. haha no joke-I think it was his hair. Sunday School people were really friendly. They guy next to us introduced himself and then my dad's cousin introduced us to a guy behind us who apparently is a grandson of one of the past general authorities assigned over the South Pacific back when my mom was in high school or something(Elder Simpson). He was a really nice guy, showed me to priesthood, and turns out he was the EQ president. EQ was cool. The lesson was on Jesus Christ and George A. Smith's testimony of Him.

Afterwards we had an amazing lunch at the cousin's home and watched Manu Samoa win the 7's rugby tournament against New Zealand! They scored in the last minute and won 26-19 after being tied 19-19! Later we visited the temple that night and took pictures. Then headed home to the hotel to pack. Oooh we also went to the Hoover Dam Thursday morning. COOOOOOOL.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

99.5 The Coral, family radio show

Happy February!

Well I had a neat drive home yesterday from the airport after driving the New Orleans' team there. When dropping them off I was in the west bound traffic for like 15 mins, =( , with no AC, and then traffic in Kaneohe. So I turned down the Jack in the Box street to get on Kam Hway(I think that's it) and drive the back road past King Intermediate. As I drive past the school I scan through the radio stations and come across 99.5 The Coral. A male and female are talking about how good Christians should have kids and raise them in the scriptures and to be God-loving people-that's what the world's issues need. Good people to combat these issues. I thought it was interesting so listened to it all the way to Hauula when it ended.

The show talked about raising your kids and it had a lot good points that I will not do justice towards and the points will be out of order than what they were discussed in.

You should only care what God thinks and not what people think when it comes to people judging your parenting. They brought up a good example of the female dj, who is an author on parenting, and how at SS her 8 or 9 year threw a tantrum like he was 4 years old. She said feels bad now 'cause she was more concerned about what people were probably thinking about her rather than focussing on the needs of her son then and there.

Also they brought up the point, from the Bible, of Samuel's kids going astray and how some people think that he wasn't a good parent-a great church leader but a poor father(which is wrong). They said it's unfair that a lot of people  believe Samuel to not have been a good parent just because his kids all went astray. But... they did bring up the point of Samuel's predecessor and him getting scolded by the Lord because he didn't do anything to rebuke his sons when they were acting out in rebellion.

I really liked how the dj's brought up the point that each child in a family is different. One will have no problems being obedient while another one will be the opposite. One will excel in school while another one will struggle constantly. They also brought up the point that teens don't necessarily mean to rebel; rather they're exercising their agency and ability to think for themselves and parents/adults should learn they don't necessarily mean to rebel but are reasoning for themselves.

It was cool to hear that parents won't be on the same page like the male dj and his wife disagreed on a movie he wanted to take his son to see. The son was 12, the movie was PG-13, and the wife was against it. But... he did his research and read it was PG-13 because of the dinosaur violence and so his wife was okay with it(of course with a few more questions). I tht it was so neat to see people doing research on films to decide how appropriate it may be.

The show was really good and I'm gonna google it now. LoL

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Jan. 31, 2012-January's ovah!

I can't believe that the first month of the year is almost done. =( It was a great month in regards to New Year's Resolutions and I hope I keep it up.

Well for Project Philly I played vball last night for 2 hours... and I suck! lol it's been a while but I will keep trying. This morning I jogged the stretch and it was bomb. Thank you ipod playlist Run U Fat Slob.

Now I'm off to work before pay period closes for the students(I have to put their bonuses in). K Dad just got home with my bike. Ciao!

Monday, January 30, 2012

Jan. 30th, 2012

Well I'm feeling pretty good this whole day(knocking on wood). Altho late to work, because Ke... woke up late and I had to pick her up, traffic was pretty good and we got to work with 5 min to spare and just relax.

Kaneohe(our musician) got a new truck, and it was kind of hectic talking with him about what we were doing because he wanted me to go with him instead of Ke... to check and see if his truck would fit in the Trade Center parking lot. lol we figured it out in like a full minute of talking and him walking back to the van like 3x changing his mind and asking more questions. Ke... went the She-she instead of I and it turned out well. Hale Koa was pretty cold Lan(the hostess) was awesome and had our muffins ready to eat when we left. Summarized, Kane's truck fit(w/an inch to spare from the roof of the parking structure), I had an amazing 7-11 breakfast bento of adobo and fried rice, and a had good day in Waikiki doing hours and performing at the Marriott hotel. While at the Marriott Colt Brennan, UH qb alum, took a pic of us with some tourists. He's a way cool guy, my co-workers had no idea who he was so I told them, and Ke... ran after to take a picture with him(before I told her who he was she tht he was a perv-she's killing me haha).

Drove home, changed, went back to PCC, finished hours and the bonuses, stopped by my brother's to find no one home, saw Just running to lift at his cousin's house and tht, "Freck... I'm supposed to match(look like) him", for our Philadelphia trip coming up at the end of Feb. Eeeeeeeeh! Tonight I'll run and do vball after the ward Home Evening(if I don't get called in).

Read part of the SS lesson for Sunday and must be in the right spirit 'cause I got so much out of it. The lesson's on 1 Nephi 16-18 and studying Nephi's obedience, faith, and courage. God is good and does a lot of miracles in their lives. I hope I'll be able to point out the miracles in my life(like my swollen lymph node going away! =) lol.

Okay... gtg and watch an Oct. 2011 Gen Conf talk. PEACE!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

1/29 Sunday 2012

I love Sundays when I do it right. I've been up since 815ish and been prepping my lesson for EQ next week and going over New Year's resolutions(while listening to Rebecca Lopez' There is Hope jam=).

I watched OCT 2011 GC's talk by Elder Richard G. Scott, The Power of Scripture, am fixing this blog, and hope to start reading up on EQ lesson in 2 weeks.

Just got done with reviewing suggestions of the brethren in EQ and they were good ones. Most popular were Go Karts, Scripture reading, Temple attendance, Home Teaching, and service projects. Funniest suggestions, I thought, were rest hymns, food, snacks, self defense, food eating contest, and pinewood derby LoL! I really hope we do these haha

Friday, January 27, 2012

Great and abominable church

So I just got done reading 1 Nephi chapters 13-14 and there are some good stuff to think about. Especially in regards to the horrible church mentioned which I can't help but think about. Now I've heard a past apostle say it's a specific church, and I've heard a prophet come out and say it's not a specific church.

I wonder if it refers to media, politics, etc. I can see how those things can could remove many plain and precious truths, etc. Yet they do some good as well. Hmmm... I was even wondering if it's just anything that has to deal with being worldly. Because it seems like anything worldly is of the devil and the devil's church. It can be pride, sin, lust, coveting, etc.

Sooooo I'm excited for SS to see what apostate answers I'll hear(LoL) and especially for some new insights.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Ko Olina! =)

Yesterday afternoon and evening my sisters, brothers, I and some cousins went to the Ko Olina resort to swim, bbq, and eat with Uncle Sam and Aunty Lori in their time share. IT WAS BOMB! 3 pools, 1 lagoon... YEAH! I scared 'noke in the water fall at one of the jacuzzis, then out at the fishing net with 'liki. LoL those kids are so funny. Then the evening was spent cracking up at Sina in the hotel room. We stopped at the Kunia Walmart and I bought some movies(WWJD, Ferngully, Diary of  Whimpy Kid, and Sword in the Stone).

Today I woke up so late, 9:25 am, but it's ok because I'm off. Buuuuut I wanna go to the doctor's for my stupid rash but apparently there's no record of me having insurance. Eeeeh. So I'm waiting for a call from my work's insurance rep. Dang it.